Discover worlds newest Frequency Technology

and other supporting Biohacks

Uniquely balancing and harmonizing body, mind and soul

Our aim is to support you into a harmonious healthy life in complete freedom with the use of state of the art Frequency Devices, filtered hydrogen-rich water, Detoxing protocols and stunning supplements that really make a difference.


Link naar volledig Nederlandse website.

Frequency Wearables

The new launched brand RyseUp Frequency Wearable is definitely going to become everyones beloved powerfully all-day companion.

Do not miss out on the latest info directly from the source.

Discover and order via the button below

Professional Frequency Systems


We offer new exciting solutions for the agricultural sector. 

Growing crops under the influence of harmonizing frequencies, not only results into healthier and faster growing crops, but helps in minimizing the use of pesticides as well. Ask us about our success stories in green houses.


Frequencies helping to harmonise and improve the quality of life of animals is one of our priorities. After successful projects with horses, chicken- and pig farms and teaming up with one of the biggest horse stables from the Netherlands in competitive sports, we know we have something special in hands to support our beloved animals. Ask us what is possible.

Frequency Analysis

Wether you're a therapist, coach or other health professional and you would like to have more insights in what the body wants to communicate, or having a full freedom in composing your own custom frequency sessions?

Reach out to us via the contact form below and we love to discuss the analysis options we have to support you in your needs to help your clients.

Water Filters and Hydrogen systems

CLEAN water is of such importance for us to thrive and function. Discover in this section everything about our Water filters and the newest HYDROGEN water bottles of superb quality. 

Level up your hydration and regeneration game to new standards.

Reach out to us via the contact form below

Oxigenesis Supplements

ASO - Activated Stabilised Oxygen and other Oxygen enhanced supplements are the most successful solutions in supplement world. Oxygen is the base of everything in your body to function properly.

BSCG labeled, so it's even safe for athletes and helps in many ways speeding up your recovery processes.


Reach out to us via the contact form below


Follow here one of our webinars to learn everything about the new Wearable and other RyseUp devices.

View a live demo of the app and ask your questions.

We offer English and Dutch webinars at several times.

Frequency Experience Days

Our Stronger Frequency Equipment can be tested out during our live experience days, lectures about frequencies or in private sessions.

Simply reach out to us and we can schedule our agenda's to give you a great experience.


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